Onan RV generator improve your vacation with:
  • Peace of mind from a reliable power supply
  • Convenience to use the appliances in your RV even when not at a campsite
  • Freedom to go off-grid - no need to rely on shore power
For Sale
Onan QG 5500 LP/5500/6500
One Only $5995.00 new full warranty

  • Designed for Class A motorhomes, fifth weels, and travel trailers
  • Quietest in its class with exceptionally low vibration levels
  • Integrated design with enclosed muffler for easy installation
  • Self-diagnostic, capability to simplify troubleshooting
  • Runs one or two air conditioners with power to spare
  • Digital voltage regulation for stability as appliance loads change
  • Gasoline or LP fueled

If you need a generator, don't settle for anything less than the best .... Onan